29% of law firms experienced a security breach in 2023

American Bar Association


Threat actors are using a variety of methods on law firm cyber-attacks, including ransomware, data breaches, supply chain attacks, phishing, and business email compromise (BEC) attacks. Several recent ransomware attacks on law firms, executed by well-known criminal groups such as Revil and Clop, have led to costly breaches with massive exfiltration of client data. Individual ransom demands have reached tens of millions of dollars.

Nation-state attackers are also targeting law firms. Their goal is to access client financial and IP data, under the assumption that law firm security defenses will be easier to breach than the client’s cyber defenses.

Data Protection and Compliance

Law firm cybersecurity best practices require securing sensitive data. Large firms are heavy users of document management systems (DMS) such as NetDocuments, iManage Work, Worldox, and ProLaw. Attackers target DMS’s with a variety of attacks, including ransomware, malware exploitations and data breaches. Properly securing DMS’s is critical and law firms need to implement comprehensive data protection strategies to make sure this happens. Data management is also subject to various regulations, such as HIPAA, GDPR, and standards related to a client’s particular industry.

Lawyers need to access client data on the move: while travelling, when visiting clients, and in the court room. The heavy use of remote data access presents an additional attack vector for threat actors. Firms need to implement strong end-point security policies and practices that include multi-factor authentication (MFA), strong passwords, anti-malware and anti-virus capabilities, role-based access controls, and leverage VPNs with strong encryption.

Securing Remote Branches

Offices of large international law firms are geographically dispersed, with branches worldwide, often including offices in high-risk countries.  Remote branches often need to store their sensitive data locally due to regulations prohibiting data from being stored outside of the country in which it was created. Securing remote branches is critical not only to secure local operations and data, but also to protect main offices from supply chain attacks.

Employee Training and Awareness

Law firm cyber security best practices include implementing and enforcing comprehensive security policies and staff training across all main and remote offices. Firms should maintain a hardening guide and conduct regular security audits to validate that hardening guides are implemented. Security governance strategy, policies, and procedures need to be evaluated top-down, along with periodic testing to evaluate the effectiveness of each location’s security policy implementation.

Securing Cloud Migrations

Many law firms are migrating their IT systems to the cloud to achieve new levels of scalability and cost-efficiency. The shift from on-premise to the cloud introduces new cybersecurity challenges, including:

  • Ambiguity regarding the shared responsibility model,
  • the agile nature of cloud use,
  • frequent misconfigurations, and the dissolution of perimeter security controls

Firms need to secure their cloud migrations by developing a cloud security framework pre-migration and assessing their security posture post-migration.

Expanding Demands on Small Security Teams

Law firms typically have relatively small cybersecurity teams. Managing the multiple security threats and addressing the cyber security priorities outlined above can be extremely challenging. Law firms need to consider adopting ‘force multipliers’ such as managed detection and response and incident response retainers.


Challenge Data security Securing remote branches and mobile access Securing cloud migration Defend a broad attack surface with a small team
How Sygnia can help Ransomware Readiness Assessment

Posture Enhancement

Posture Enhancement

Cloud Security Architecture Review

Cloud Security Services MDR

Incident Response Retainer

Purple Teaming


Sygnia secures 20 of the world’s top-50 law firms (1). The scarcity of cyber talent is leading an increasing number of firms to turn to external partners for an additional layer of advanced cyber competency and skills.  Sygnia’s cybersecurity solutions for law firms include incident response, incident response retainer, threat hunting, posture analysis and enhancement, red and purple teaming, MDR, and cloud security.

(1) As ranked in the Vault Law 100


“Sygnia is the Swiss Army Knife of cyber. There is nothing we have asked them to do that they haven’t been able to come back and say, ‘Yes, we’ve got a solution.’”

Senior Director, Global Law Firm


Sygnia partners with law firms to support their cyber and data protection practices. Sygnia’s broad range of experience in cybersecurity for the legal sector makes us a preferred partner for law firms that want to provide their clients with top-tier incident response services as well as extensive and detailed digital forensics.


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