The Anatomy of a BlackCat (ALPHV) Attack

Explore the thwarted cyber extortion attempt by the BlackCat ransomware group, unraveled by Sygnia’s Incident Response team in 2023.

Executive Summary

  • In 2023, Sygnia’s IR team was engaged by a client to investigate suspicious activities in the client’s network. The activities were ultimately identified as a financial extortion attack executed by the BlackCat (ALPHV) ransomware group or one of its affiliates, and included a massive data exfiltration.
  • After detecting suspicious network activities, the client approached Sygnia’s IR team for assistance in dealing with the suspected attack. Sygnia’s preliminary investigation revealed indications of a possible ransomware attack that might result in the encryption of the client’s entire environment.
  • The attack was contained due to immediate actions taken by the client’s IT team, principally by blocking all ingress and egress traffic to and from the central network assets.
  • Due to the fact that the threat actor was unable to fully execute the attack, or to clear trails of evidence in the network, the comprehensive investigation carried out by Sygnia led to an extensive and unique set of findings relating to BlackCat’s modus operandi, TTPs, and IOCs.
  • In this blog, Sygnia provides a step-by-step, detailed description of all the malicious activities carried out by the threat actor throughout the course of the attack.

C-Level Overview

The following report presents a real-life case that can be considered a textbook example of incident response (IR) in many ways. This is evident not only in terms of investigative findings but also in demonstrating many characteristics of the new wave of cyber-attacks. Moreover, it underscores the importance of decisive and data-driven actions by leaders, which are pivotal in determining the success or failure of an organization in the face of such challenges.

The attack was facilitated by a known threat actor – BlackCat (ALPHV) – and employed a method that has become almost standard: leveraging access from third parties. ‘Supply chain’ attacks are not new, but many fail to understand why they are easier to facilitate. The main reasons are, first, that third parties, especially small providers, are less protected than the companies they serve. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, network activity originating from a third party is considered safe, and the organization’s alarms are not raised with the same sense of urgency.

Another highly interesting fact is that, like many attacks, the attacker spent weeks in the network. This again highlights what occurs when attackers encounter a new infrastructure – they invest time in orienting themselves. This ‘orientation period’ is when the attack is most vulnerable. With the right detection and response infrastructure – encompassing technology, processes and human capabilities – victims can stop the attacker in its tracks and totally prevent any damage from the organization.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the case is the customer response. When the attack was identified, and it became evident that this was not a simple false alarm, the client engaged its IR partner. Together, we devised a swift response by blocking the victim’s connection to the Internet. This action may seem severe, but it was instrumental in stopping further data leakage and preventing the attacker from encrypting the network. It requires management courage to take such an action, which directly affects the business, but difficult times call for tough decisions.

What made this situation even more complex is that the attacker compromised two different environments: on-premises and Azure. In many organizations, the Achilles’ heel lies in leaving behind vulnerabilities that allow the attackers to find their way inside. Many of these vulnerabilities are not easily discovered in peacetime. Close monitoring of the environment allowed for the closure of all entry points.

Lastly, this is not the first case where attackers overestimate the value of the information they have collected. The mere fact that information was leaked is not a reason to panic and pay. Like in many other cases, a crucial aspect of the investigation (and arguably one of the most complex) is to attempt to identify the scope and value of the information that was compromised. This consideration should be one of the factors in determining how to proceed with the attacker’s ransom demand.

In summary, no attack is the same, and understanding what to do in each case requires special expertise – this is what Sygnia does day in and day out. Taking the right measures in time – such as minimizing third party access, utilizing a pre-defined IR plan and continuous monitoring – can prevent an attack from occurring. In cases where these measures prove insufficient, management is tested. Swift and courageous decision-making, based on facts rather than fear or emotions, will enable businesses to overcome adversity and thrive.

Chain Of Events

The attack consisted of four main phases: 

  • Phase 1: Initial Access and Foothold (days 1 – 5). The threat actor initiated the attack by first compromising the network of a third-party vendor, utilizing a local terminal server in the client’s network as a pivot point from which to launch the attack.
  • Phase 2: Lateral Movement (days 6-20). The threat actor used several remote code execution techniques and the Cobalt Strike platform, to move laterally between the victim’s on-premises domains and Azure environment through RDP and tunneled connections. .
  • Phase 3: Data Exfiltration and Additional Lateral Movement (days 27-30). Using the ‘Rclone’ tool, the threat actor exfiltrated a high volume of data from local servers to a cloud file storage service called ‘Wasabi’.
  • Phase 4: Extortion Attempts (days 30-45). The threat actor flooded the victim with email messages threatening to publish sensitive information if a ransom was not paid, while exaggerating the volume and sensitivity of the stolen information.

Phase 1: Initial Access and Foothold (days 1-5)

Day 1: Several RDP and SMB logon attempts were made to two servers; the attempts originated from an IP address of a vendor’s network which was connected to the victim, following an earlier compromise of this vendor.
Three successful network logons to one of these servers were executed from a host named ‘DESKTOP-PSGDD89’ using three accounts, with no following malicious activity observed.
The DESKTOP-PSGDD89 host was clearly associated with the threat actor, as it appeared in his logons due to the use of tunneling tools throughout the attack.

Snippet showing successful logon attempts
Snippet showing successful logon attempts from the threat actor’s device, logged by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE)

Day 2: A brute-force attack was initiated from a compromised server on the vendor’s network. The attack targeted the server that the threat actor successfully logged on to the day before, via port 445 (SMB). This attack involved an attempt to perform authentication by utilizing users from two different AD domains in the client’s environment that have a shared trust.

Day 3: The threat actor successfully connected over RDP from the DESKTOP-PSGDD89 host to a server in the victim’s network. The traffic was tunneled through another IP address from the third-party vendor’s network.

This server was used as the initial point of entry into the network, from which the threat actor conducted activities such as network scanning and lateral movement, so we will refer to it from now on as the ‘pivot-server’.

During the RDP session, the threat actor conducted the first successful malicious activities in the targeted network. These included executing PowerShell commands, attempting a privilege escalation attack, using a password-dumping tool, and deploying Cobalt Strike. Several Cobalt Strike framework capabilities were utilized by the threat actor throughout the course of the attack, including RDP tunnelling for lateral movement, and process injection for the purposes of execution and evasion.

The ‘C:\Intel\exp.exe’ file was created on the pivot-server during the RDP session, and its execution was detected and blocked by MDE. An analysis of ‘exp.exe’ indicated that it is a privilege escalation tool based on the exploitation of CVE-2022-24521 – a vulnerability in the Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) Driver, known to be used by several ransomware groups.

VirusTotal showing that the exp.exe
Snippet from VirusTotal showing that the exp.exe file was associated with the exploitation of CVE-2022 24521
Snippet from MDE Antivirus alert showing that exp.exe was identified as malicious, and blocked
Snippet from MDE Antivirus alert showing that exp.exe was identified as malicious, and blocked

The threat actor created the ‘C:\Intel\45.ps1’ file on the pivot-server, and executed it using PowerShell with the command line:

C:\ Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c .\45.ps1

The execution resulted in the injection of a malicious code into the legitimate ‘drfgui.exe’ process. The process contacted, over HTTPS, a Cobalt Strike Command and Control (C2) server hosted on ‘bellebobas[.]com’, which resolved to a Cloudflare CDN at IP address 172.67.152[.]173. This is a known technique that is used to evade detection, and hamper remediation efforts.

Snippet showing the connection to the Cobalt Strike C2 server bellebobas[.]com
Snippet showing the connection to the Cobalt Strike C2 server bellebobas[.]com
Snippet showing the injection to dfrgui.exe as part of the execution of 45.ps1
Snippet showing the injection to dfrgui.exe as part of the execution of 45.ps1

A few minutes later, the threat actor created a malicious file named ‘C:\Intel\svchost.exe’ on the pivot-server, attempting to mask the malware as benign activity. The threat actor used the same naming convention throughout the attack for additional payloads, such as a network scanning tool, a tunneling tool, and an instance of Rclone software.

Snippet from MDE, showing that the file that the threat actor named ‘svchost.exe’ is in fact ‘Rclone’
Snippet from MDE, showing that the file that the threat actor named ‘svchost.exe’ is in fact ‘Rclone’

The threat actor then created a file named ‘C:\Intel\li.exe’ on the pivot-server. The file was identified as a version of the SoftPerfect Network Scanner – a powerful commercial network-scanning tool with the ability to discover shared folders and available services.

The threat actor leveraged the SoftPerfect tool to perform several manual reconnaissance activities, which included searching for passwords in Group Policy xml files, accessing remote folders via Windows Explorer, and testing network connections to other domains using a ping command.

Snippet from SoftPerfect Network Scanner, taken from the official website
Snippet from SoftPerfect Network Scanner, taken from the official website

Day 5: The threat actor used PowerShell to download and execute a script named ‘vic64.ps1’ from ‘bashupload[.]com’. As a result, Cobalt Strike Beacon was installed, injected itself into ‘dfrgui.exe’, and communicated with a Cloudflare C2 domain ‘victorianshow[.]com’; this communication was crafted to look like the uploading and downloading of images.

The vic64.ps1 script was also remotely executed two days later from the pivot-server to another server via WinRM, followed by a connection to the same C2.

Snippet showing the connection to the Cobalt Strike C2 victorianshow[.]com
Snippet showing the connection to the Cobalt Strike C2 victorianshow[.]com
Snippets from Cobalt Strike’s configuration, extracted from a sandbox execution.
Snippets from Cobalt Strike’s configuration, extracted from a sandbox execution; the communication was configured to look like a download of a legitimate image
Snippets from Cobalt Strike’s configuration, extracted from a sandbox execution; the communication was configured to look like a download of a legitimate image

Later that day, the threat actor executed ‘BG00Q.exe’ on the pivot-server. The file was identified as a renamed version of ‘AccountRestore’, a tool used to perform dictionary attacks to extract passwords. The threat actor also executed a Kerberoasting attack in order to retrieve password hashes from the Active Directory. 

The threat actor also queried the pivot-server for the ‘HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa’ registry to retrieve the LSA protection status; if this protection is disabled, it is possible to gain access to credentials.

Snippet from a sandbox execution of BG00Q.exe, which shows that it is a renamed version of AccountRestore
Snippet from a sandbox execution of BG00Q.exe, which shows that it is a renamed version of AccountRestore
Snippet from MDI showing an alert generated due to the Kerberoasting attack
Snippet from MDI showing an alert generated due to the Kerberoasting attack

Phase 2: Lateral Movement (days 6-20)

Day 6: The threat actor utilized ‘nslookup’ and ‘dir’ commands to carry out reconnaissance of a server in a different domain, followed by an RDP connection from the pivot-server in which Cobalt Strike Beacon was remotely executed.

The threat actor continued to conduct malicious activities on the server in the new domain: first, he used Windows Task Manager to access credential data stored in the process memory of LSASS – an attempt that was blocked by the antivirus. Following that, the threat actor attempted to save the Security Account Manager (SAM) registry hive, which stores credentials and account information for local users.

Snippet from MDE showing that the threat actor dumped credentials using Task Manager; MDE blocked the access to the file that contains the credential information
Snippet from MDE showing that the threat actor dumped credentials using Task Manager; MDE blocked the access to the file that contains the credential information
Snippet from MDE showing an attempt to dump the Registry SAM hive
Snippet from MDE showing an attempt to dump the Registry SAM hive

Several hours later, the threat actor utilized a compromised account to perform reconnaissance of the other domain, by deploying ‘Process Hacker’ – a free tool used for resources monitoring – to the folder ‘C:\Users\****\Pictures\Camera Roll\.

Then, the threat actor uploaded the ‘netscan.exe’ file to the same folder, used it to scan the domain, and deleted it after the scan activity was completed.

Snippet of Process Hacker GUI from the official website
Snippet of Process Hacker GUI from the official website
Snippet based on MDE logs, showing the threat actor deleting the tools after execution

Several executions of the Stowaway proxy tool were observed in the network under different names, such as ‘vhd.exe’, ‘vga.exe’ and ‘hhd.exe’. Stowaway is an open-source tool used for creation of a chained proxy connection between a series of hosts; when used with a single origin host, it enables remote access the entire network.

Snippet from GitHub showing the ReadMe file of the Stowaway proxy tool (the original file is in Chinese)
Snippet from GitHub showing the ReadMe file of the Stowaway proxy tool (the original file is in Chinese)
Snippets showing both the listening and connecting executions of Stowaway, using a service installed on the machine
Snippets showing both the listening and connecting executions of Stowaway, using a service installed on the machine

Day 7: The threat actor utilized a compromised user account to create a batch script named ‘sap.bat’ on the pivot-server in the folder ‘C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\’, in order to maintain persistency. The ‘sap.bat’ script was created to execute a version of the Stowaway proxy file named ‘vhd.exe’.

Snippet based on MDE logs, showing the injected ‘dfrgui.exe’ process creating the ‘sap.bat’ script in the user's ‘Startup’ folder
Snippet based on MDE logs, showing the injected ‘dfrgui.exe’ process creating the ‘sap.bat’ script in the user’s ‘Startup’ folder

Later, the threat actor utilized a user account to remotely deploy Cobalt Strike Beacon on a server in a third domain, followed by network scans and enumeration of the Admins group in the new domain.

After failing to contact the ‘victorianshow[.]com’ C2 from the new domain, the threat actor copied over SMB a Stowaway instance named ‘vga.exe’ to the remote server, and configured it to listen to port 8080, enabling traffic tunneling through the compromised host.

Snippet from Windows event log ID 7045, showing the creation of the service which executes ‘vga.exe’
Snippet from Windows event log ID 7045, showing the creation of the service which executes ‘vga.exe’

Phase 3: Data Exfiltration and Additional Lateral Movement (days 27-30)

During the next three days, the threat actor attempted to exfiltrate data from several different hosts by utilizing Rclone, an open-source tool used for syncing files and folders to and from cloud storage providers. In some executions of the tool, the threat actor utilized a filter file, to control the file types to be exfiltrated.

A snippet showing an exfiltration attempt in which ‘Rclone’ was renamed to ‘svchost.exe’, one of several names used by the threat actor to avoid detection
A snippet showing an exfiltration attempt in which ‘Rclone’ was renamed to ‘svchost.exe’, one of several names used by the threat actor to avoid detection
Snippet showing a filter file which was configured to exfiltrate content including documents, email messages and images
Snippet showing a filter file which was configured to exfiltrate content including documents, email messages and images

By analyzing firewall logs, it was determined that exfiltration attempts from two hosts were successful, and data was sent from the victim’s network to ‘wasabi’, a US-based cloud storage platform. Some of the data was tunneled through these hosts from additional servers.

Snippet of Rclone configuration file (Rclone.conf) showing authentication information used to upload files to the ‘Wasabi’ online storage service
Snippet of Rclone configuration file (Rclone.conf) showing authentication information used to upload files to the ‘Wasabi’ online storage service

Additional attempts to exfiltrate data from another domain were blocked by the firewall.

During this phase, the threat actor used the hostnames ‘WIN-LIVFRVQFMKO’ and ‘WIN‑2513OKBPOH9’ in several remote logon attempts. Threat intelligence analysis indicated that these two hosts are known to be used frequently by various threat actors, among them the Conti and LockBit ransomware groups.

Snippets from Shodan, showing the popularity of ‘WIN-LIVFRVQFMKO’, especially in the Russian Federation
Snippets from Shodan, showing the popularity of ‘WIN-LIVFRVQFMKO’, especially in the Russian Federation

Additional installations of Cobalt Strike Beacon were observed during this phase, this time using the script ‘150.ps1’, and a C2 Cloudflare domain (timelesstravelinc[.]com), which resolved at the time to the IP addresses and 

Additional executions of the Stowaway tunneling tool were also observed during this phase using the names ‘svchost.exe’, ‘tomcat.exe’, and ‘tomcat7.exe’. ‘tomcat.exe’ was executed on a local host, creating a connection to the external address This demonstrates the usage of the Stowaway proxy tool as a direct connection to an external C2, enabling the proxy tunnel into the victim’s network.

Snippet showing a PowerShell execution of ‘tomcat.exe’ to connect to 190.61.121[.]35:443
Snippet showing a PowerShell execution of ‘tomcat.exe’ to connect to 190.61.121[.]35:443

Throughout the course of the activities within this phase, the threat actor utilized various defense evasion techniques:

  • Several attempts to disable security monitoring tools by remotely creating a service named ‘HkBnPoqLAj’ which executed the tool ‘C:\windows\debug\svchost.exe’; this executable seems to attempt to disable EDR agents.
Snippet from Windows event log ID 7045, showing the creation of the service which attempted to disable EDRs
Snippet from Windows event log ID 7045, showing the creation of the service which attempted to disable EDRs 
  • Remote execution of PowerShell through WinRM to exclude the folder ‘C:\Windows\debug’ from Windows Defender monitoring, to prevent future payloads executed from this folder from being blocked. 
Snippet from MDE showing the execution of PowerShell with a command line to exclude ‘C:\Windows\debug’ from Windows Defender monitoring
Snippet from MDE showing the execution of PowerShell with a command line to exclude ‘C:\Windows\debug’ from Windows Defender monitoring
  • Execution of a ‘defoff.bat’ batch script; this script disables different Windows Defender components by modifying Windows registry configuration and scheduled tasks. Threat intelligence research indicated that ‘defoff.bat’ was previously utilized by LockBit ransomware affiliates.
Snippet from the ‘defoff.bat’ batch script showing the usage of the ‘reg add’ command to tamper with Windows Defender configuration
Snippet from the ‘defoff.bat’ batch script showing the usage of the ‘reg add’ command to tamper with Windows Defender configuration
Snippet from the ‘defoff.bat’ batch script showing that the script disables scheduled tasks related to Windows Defender
Snippet from the ‘defoff.bat’ batch script showing that the script disables scheduled tasks related to Windows Defender
  • Renaming the legitimate ‘prunsrv.exe’ binary – a known Apache tool used for the execution of binaries as services – and utilizing it to execute malicious code. The binary’s version info of the malicious files indicated that their original filenames were ‘prunsrv.exe’. Several similar files were found in the network with these names: ‘tomcat.exe’, ‘tomcat7.exe’, ‘mobsync.exe’, and ‘scvhost.exe’ (original typo). It should be noted that the Apache foundation also created Apache Tomcat, so the copyright on some of the renamed executables looks legitimate.
Snippet from PEStudio showing the ‘VersionInfo’ of the malicious ‘tomcat7.exe’; the content is the same as the original ‘prunsrv.exe’
Snippet from PEStudio showing the ‘VersionInfo’ of the malicious ‘tomcat7.exe’; the content is the same as the original ‘prunsrv.exe’

The ‘tomcat.exe’ file was observed communicating with a C2 server located in Russia (, which appears to be a compromised MikroTik router – a known method used by cyber criminals which provides the threat actor’s infrastructure with another layer of anonymization. 

Snippet from VirusTotal, showing that the C2 server is located in Russia and that a file named ‘vga.exe’ communicated with it
Snippet from VirusTotal, showing that the C2 server is located in Russia and that a file named ‘vga.exe’ communicated with it
Snippet from Censys showing that the C2 server is a MikroTik router
Snippet from Censys showing that the C2 server is a MikroTik router

‘tomcat7.exe’ was executed through a service named ‘RoHesJayPv’; upon execution, the service initiated an HTTP connection to a C2  ‘lenfante[.]com’, which resolved at the time to two Cloudflare IP addresses: and

Snippet from Windows event log ID 7045, showing the creation of the ‘RoHesJayPv’ service which executed ‘tomcat7.exe’
Snippet from Windows event log ID 7045, showing the creation of the ‘RoHesJayPv’ service which executed ‘tomcat7.exe’
Snippet based on MDE logs, showing the communications to lenfante[.]com from the ‘tomcat7.exe’ process
Snippet based on MDE logs, showing the communications to lenfante[.]com from the ‘tomcat7.exe’ process

The same ‘tomcat7.exe’ file was also remotely executed to conduct network scanning of MS SQL port (1433), RDP, SSH, SMB and Stowaway proxy’s port (8080).

Snippet showing a summary of the network connections initiated by ‘tomcat7.exe’
Snippet showing a summary of the network connections initiated by ‘tomcat7.exe’

Evidence of this execution was an obfuscated PowerShell script named ‘C:\osit\r.ps1’ that was found on a local server. Although the file no longer existed after execution – presumably it was deleted by the threat actor – by analysing the PowerShell logs, it was possible to recover and decode the content of the file. The file was identified as ‘ADRecon’, an open-source PowerShell tool specifically designed to gather extensive information about Active Directory (AD) environments, including ACLs, DNS zones, BitLocker recovery keys, LAPS passwords, Domain accounts, and SPN credential hashes.

Snippet from Windows PowerShell logs showing the execution of ‘r.ps1’ encoded script and a snippet of a partial decode of the ‘r.ps1’ script showing that it is ‘ADRecon’

Another exfiltration attempt by the ‘C:\Window\debug\debug\host.exe’ process was detected and terminated by an EDR. The hash of the executable indicates that this file was actually an ‘Rclone’ executable. Additional attempts to execute ‘Rclone’ were also blocked by the EDR, using different file names and different hashes.

Snippets from EDR and VirusTotal showing the detection of an exfiltration attempt using ‘Rclone’, renamed as ‘reborn.exe’
Snippets from EDR and VirusTotal showing the detection of an exfiltration attempt using ‘Rclone’, renamed as ‘reborn.exe’

The exfiltration attempts revealed two additional cloud services used by the threat actor for exfiltration. An ‘Rclone’ configuration file retrieved from a compromised server indicated the use of the ‘IDrive’ service, while a failed connection attempt to the ‘’ service was identified on another server.

Snippet showing the content of the Rclone configuration file
Snippet showing the content of the Rclone configuration file
Snippet showing failed attempts to browse to
Snippet showing failed attempts to browse to

Phase 4: Extortion Attempts (days 30-45)

Later on the same day as the last known exfiltration attempts, the threat actor used a dedicated @protonmail account to send emails to dozens of employees of the victim company, with the subject “**** DATA LEAK”, in which the threat actor claimed that terabytes of data had been exfiltrated from their network.

Some of the emails contained an attached image, which showed folders from a file server in the victim’s network. The emails continued to be sent throughout the following weeks, from different email accounts to various recipients.

Snippet of one of the emails sent by the threat actor, which includes an image of shared folders leaked from the network
Snippet of one of the emails sent by the threat actor, which includes an image of shared folders leaked from the network

Two weeks later, a representative from the victim company contacted the threat actor, who provided a ‘proof package’ that included several documents that contained a list of supposedly exfiltrated files, sorted by host names.

After an additional two weeks, as part of the correspondence with the victim, the threat actor claimed to have a second proof package ready for publication, which included an attachment with a list of files that were supposedly exfiltrated.

Several weeks later, the files stolen from the victim were published on BlackCat’s leak site on the dark web.


  • The BlackCat ransomware group surfaced in November 2021, and has since become one of the most sophisticated and active threat groups, targeting high-profile multi-sector and worldwide organizations. 
  • Like other ransomware threat actors, BlackCat employs a Ransomware-as-a-Service business model, allowing its affiliates to leverage their tooling and infrastructure for ransomware and extortion attacks.  
  • Lately, we have noticed a trend of large companies being exploited via compromises of less security-mature third parties; this demonstrates the importance of organizations carefully mapping network connections with their vendors and limiting vendors’ access to the minimum required. 
  • Blocking the internet connectivity of large networks is a challenging task for network administrators who need to preserve a company’s operational continuity. In the incident described in this blog, although the victim company’s IT team blocked on-premises internet access, their use of Azure Express Routes in the network allowed the threat actors to maintain access to the network, bypassing the organizational firewall. 
  • Organizations should have a predefined plan to mitigate ransomware attacks. In this case, the threat actor did not manage to execute encryption of the network, as the victim was willing to immediately block internet access as a mitigating measure. 

Appendix – Indicators of Compromise


FilenameSHA256 HashDescription
C:\PerfLogs\vic64.ps1Badd8e92c57fe399235e82fb3579980885771ab9d826a7da71fc7c24441d656eCobalt Strike Beacon
C:\users\****\appdata\local\sap\vhd.exeA2a86345b1f8597e5093b5277c90f64b9f36f6065886a02ea42cf4d9c56d04a2Stowaway, multi-hop proxy
C:\Windows\debug\rdh.exeA2a86345b1f8597e5093b5277c90f64b9f36f6065886a02ea42cf4d9c56d04a2Stowaway, multi-hop proxy
C:\Users\*****\Pictures\Camera Roll\Process Hacker\ProcessHacker.exeBa53e22e6eecccf194fcbda1c276282f03f15e516c17dbb98d023219be6fbd2fProcess Hacker
C:\Perflogs\sdr.exeA6b8d67e7cbef15f924adc3851ef94a2d5cf6986e72a59f9125a0883b695e529Stowaway, multi-hop proxy
C:\PerfLogs\vga.exeA6b8d67e7cbef15f924adc3851ef94a2d5cf6986e72a59f9125a0883b695e529Stowaway, multi-hop proxy
C:\PerfLogs\hhd.exeA6b8d67e7cbef15f924adc3851ef94a2d5cf6986e72a59f9125a0883b695e529Stowaway, multi-hop proxy
C:\Perflog\snmp.exeE71acc77eeb63f8ee4bbbc85cc30c934e494bed60da0d2d451881d6560bf7b4aReverse proxy
C:\Perflogs\dxdiag.exeE71acc77eeb63f8ee4bbbc85cc30c934e494bed60da0d2d451881d6560bf7b4aReverse proxy
C:\Intel\svchost.exe602b476a34413c48e1ce2611de0fa205a558646ea5b33634eb262d0f30289867SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\PerfLogs\123.exe, C:\Window\debug\debug\host.exe990436644e98eb4407391a8aec92fbfabfce42106272e0233b921c7a490ec163Rclone
C:\Windows\Tasks\pp.exe9da438cf29567dd2fc6a4ba427856a76bedd3750d0c8c2e0e403a0f709ddd46bPetit Potato
C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\Tomcat7.exe9bcb72dc18703d4d9621f43665a1dc0fc08e8b04164480968ebf31e83453e7a8Cobalt Strike Beacon
C:\Windows\Tasks\pp.exe5c1133f9dc638d1a9849b4b43e219de425dc6c3a829c4406b33248b4a7279519Petit Potato
C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\4\services.exeb6da9eaae907eeb20d36adee58337054a9e47498a494f002223fa6534be7c631Revers proxy
C:\Intel\li.exe49386203d706e66e2e67a6ba0038dba3a14032c66a2bbfa6631dbdb827dad895SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\Intel\svchost.exe49386203d706e66e2e67a6ba0038dba3a14032c66a2bbfa6631dbdb827dad895SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\Intel\45.ps1040de07d849c4bca4b750da9df00e20667d8733d57bb8386692dd7f5f65c2265Cobalt Strike Beacon
C:\temp\150.ps144f0e71eef95e17e90422e59fdde398ea8491f985d30b7f71f728edfda05595aCobalt Strike Beacon
C:\Intel\exp.exe8dc79c12fe1e8aefb870049c16fd1d62051207310702b99428cd73987e299ca3Privilege escalation tool
C:\Users\****\Pictures\Camera Roll\Process Hacker\peview.exe58230a922c8fb3cd20e767f42d625bee0719f5f12ee280fa95a0f802ec55a16cPart of Process Hacker
C:\Windows\debug\92.ps1N/ACobalt Strike Beacon
mobsnyc.exe6A316C43676279A2B4168E99175BBABD27268ECDB882DECD96E4613A74194F56Probably tunneling tool
C:\Windows\debug\svchost.exe5562eb8bf9c730e03f85c3c11cad42a3b3e1f83174461baa95ef76a3cfbeab4cAttempts to disable EDR
C:\Users\****\Documents\defoff.batf6440c5cfc1a0bf4fdc63124eef27f40be37af8f46d10aea9a645f5b084004e3Disables Windows Defender
C:\Windows\debug\dd.ps169e5a13186f1c0c9c53da043f4a6694535d6900e599aac8d2eb41619aa5483e6Cobalt Strike Beacon
C:\Intel\svchost.exee4ad9a58147b691d4ef4b1ce6efe36dd1e12779b3eb06cd22c9e28eccaa6f252SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\Users\****\py\BG00Q.exee97bdf7fafb1cb2a2bf0a4e14f51e18a34f3ff2f6f7b99731e93070d50801befCredential Stealer
C:\programdata\comms\commsvc.exeBenignRenamed cmd.exe
C:\ProgramData\SoftwareDistribution\wrapper.exeBenignRenamed cmd.exe
C:\Windows\Tasks\kdg.exe49676b4892a606461aae98691f03614cf268f6de2e51950a3e4c94fe92605a85Legitimate, renamed dfrgui.exe
C:\Users\****\Pictures\Camera Roll\Process Hacker\netscan.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\temp\netscanA.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\temp\netscan2.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\temp\netscan3.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\temp\netscan4.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
 C:\temp\netscan5.exe 18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\temp\netscan6.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\temp\netscan7.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
C:\temp\netscan8.exe18f0898d595ec054d13b02915fb7d3636f65b8e53c0c66b3c7ee3b6fc37d3566SoftPerfect Network Scanner
sap.bat3ed3958ffa013ac9c58d9a046504fe04fae39e90537243a472fc12a47a6726d0Executes vhd.exe

IP Addresses

104.21.15[.]158IP of timelesstravelinc[.]com
172.67.142[.]67IP of timelesstravelinc[.]com
104.21.37[.]3IP of victorianshow[.]com
172.67.201[.]252IP of victorianshow[.]com
104.21.74[.]11IP of bellebobas[.]com
172.67.152[.]173IP of bellebobas[.]com
172.64.80[.]1IP of bellebobas[.]com
116.203.186[.]178IP of bashupload[.]com
152.199.19.[]161IP contacted by Cobalt Strike Beacon in sandbox execution
91.109.201[.]223Related to vga.exe, sdr.exe, dfgui.exe
176.105.202[.]212Hosted vic64.ps1
190.61.121[.]35Used by tomcat.exe
192.229.221[.]95IP contacted by Cobalt Strike Beacon in sandbox execution
34.120.115[.]102Used by hhd.exe
41.63.96[.]128IP contacted by Cobalt Strike Beacon
45.137.117[.]144Related to[.]com
46.174.236[.]175IP of[.]com
172.67.191[.]26IP of lenfante[.]com
104.21.76[.]76IP of lenfante[.]com


bashupload[.]comHosted vic64.ps1
bellebobas[.]comCommand and Control
lenfante[.]comCommand and Control
sevanbicakcifilm[.]comCommand and Control
timelesstravelinc[.]comCommand and Control
victorianshow[.]comCommand and Control
wasabi[.]comUsed for exfiltration
s3.wasabisys[.]comUsed for exfiltration
k6l2.or.idrivee2-36[.]comUsed for exfiltration
Ip[.]sbUsed to resolved IP addresses

Other Artifacts

WIN-LIVFRVQFMKOHostnameMachine used by the threat actor
WIN-2513OKBPOH9HostnameMachine used by the threat actor
DESKTOP-PSGDD89HostnameMachine used by the threat actor
C:\Users\****\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\sap.batStartup itemPersistence mechanism
commsdService nameExecutes tomcat7.exe malware
tomcat7Service nameExecutes tomcat7.exe malware
subsctibe decor
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